A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a cryptographically secure key issued by certifying authorities (CAs) to validate and verify the identity of the person holding this certificate. DSCs are essential for businesses to digitally sign documents online, securely authenticate signatures, and validate signed copies.
DSC is a statutory requirement for submitting various forms to the Government of India. It uses public-key encryption for creating signatures. A digital signature certificate can be embedded in electronic documents, emails, and other digitally transmitted materials, providing enhanced security through encryption technology.
The Controller of Certifying Authority issues Digital Signature Certificates in India. The Office of the Controller of Certification Agencies (CCA) has authorized 8 Certification Agencies to issue DSCs. EMudhra is one such Certifying Authority in India.
BrainCave Consultancy Service can assist you in obtaining an eMudhra Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate in India with a validity of 2 years and a secure USB token. The entire application process is online—no need for manual or courier document submission. All Digital Signatures are provided with a FIPS-compliant ePass USB token to protect the Signature throughout its validity.
Class 3 DSC is the most secure certificate, offering both signature and encryption capabilities. BrainCave Consultancy Service helps you obtain a Class 3 DSC with an encryption certificate and a USB token for signing and encrypting data.
Use Cases
Class 3 DSCs are widely used for:
BrainCave Consultancy Service helps individuals obtain Class 3 Digital Signatures with an ePass Token. Authorized users can attach DSCs to electronically submitted documents, ensuring their confidentiality and validity.
Class 3 DSCs are valid for companies, NGOs, trusts, government departments, and organizations. BrainCave Consultancy Service assists in obtaining an eMudhra Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate with two-year validity and a secure USB token.
The DSC issued in a company's name proves the user's authority to act on its behalf. It includes personal and company details and is essential for authorized signatories.
Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) play a vital role in today's digital world by providing:
As per CCA guidelines, renewing a DSC requires fresh identity verification. BrainCave Consultancy Service simplifies the renewal process:
BrainCave Consultancy Service is your trusted partner for obtaining Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates. These comprehensive certificates include a signature, encryption capabilities, and a USB token for enhanced security.
By securing your Class 3 DSC through BrainCave Consultancy Service, you can fortify your online transactions, safeguard the authenticity of your digital documents, and encrypt your data effectively.
Ready to enhance your digital security? Contact BrainCave Consultancy Service today to obtain your DGFT Digital Signature Certificate and engage confidently in secure online transactions.